Development of industry and the growth of consumption of primary
energy, causes pollution of the environment (air, water, underground blades
etc.), so this activity causes negative effects on people’s health level and on
global climate change. Of course, without electricity cannot conceive of modern
life on Earth, but humanity must realise that the use of electricity has negative
effects on the environment in the biological environment, as well as complex
built environment. It is necessary to intensify studies and researches aimed, on
the one hand, optimizing \/lowering electricity consumption, and on the other
hand, lessening the impact of electromagnetic pollution of the environment in
the bioelectro-chemical processes of nature and the corrosion reactions in
complex environments.
Keywords: electricity, electrical installations, environmental pollution,
electromagnetic pollution, psychic pollution
Cuvinte cheie: energie electrică, instalaţii electrice, poluarea mediului,
poluare electromagnetică, poluare psihică
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