The mechanical alloying experiments were performed on a high
energy planetary ball mill. Four vials were used for powder mixtures milling.
The milling charge contains 46 steel balls having 15 mm average diameter and
100 g powder mixture. It corresponds to a charge level of ½ of the vial volume
and represents a 8:1 ball/powder ratio. The powder mixtures: Fe60Ni40, Fe50Ni50,
Fe40Ni60, were milled for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48 şi 64 hours. At each milling time
were taken samples for analysis (5 grams). The X-ray diffraction analysis
reveals that after 8 hours of milling the Fe peaks disappear and the Ni phase is
featured in all powder mass. The calculated crystal parameters prove that the
mechanical alloying process induces Ni structure for all powder mixtures after 8
hours of milling resulting a substitution solid solution where some Ni atoms
were replaced with Fe ones.
Cuvinte cheie: aliere mecanică, pulberi Fe Ni, moara planetară
Keywords: mechanical alloying, powder Fe Ni, planetary mill