The successful application of microalloying technique, used in the
HSLA steels elaboration by classical metallurgy, to the sintered structural steels
in order to improve their mechanical properties is determined, to a great extent,
by the homogeneity of Fe-microalloying element (Nb, Ti, or V) powder mixtures.
Therefore, its evaluation is of the maximum importance in the elaboration
process control in order to obtain the desired strengthening effect. The
possibility of application, for this purpose, of the statistical and experimental
method, respectively, is analyzed in this paper, with the reference to Fe-Nb, Fe-
Ti and Fe-V powder mixtures. Conclusions on factors affecting the homogeneity
degree, of practical applicability, are drawn on this basis.
Cuvinte cheie: oţeluri sinterizate, microaliere, proprietăţi mecanice
Keywords: sintered steels, micro, mechanical