Alexandru Adrian DĂNCILĂ

23-1 DORIN PAVEL, 2013

Sebeșul is an old Saxon borough that offers the opportunity to live in
the past and in the present at the same time. Sights of great importance gives
those who come to Offer true moments of history. Sebeșul is a whole complex
of ancient tradition, culture, history, and literature, science, music and art. In
Sebeș or its environs, totaled figures in history, science and our culture that
made the city to be known nationally and internationally. The article makes a
synthesis of these outstanding matters well.
Cuvinte cheie: Sebeș, personalități, istorie, dezvoltare actuală,
investiții, ingineri, inginerie
Keywords: Sebeș, personalities, history, current investments,
development engineers, engineering

23-1 DORIN PAVEL, 2013