Over the next decades, the world will face increasing challenges to
supply energy in sufficient quantities, while reducing carbon emission levels.
As the first IEC (International Electro technical Commission) President, Lord
Kelvin, always said: “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it!”. This
statement is especially true here: without measurement you can’t credibly
demonstrate energy efficiency improvements. The IEC provides and will
continue to provide many of the measuring standards that are the basis for
benchmarking, energy audits and compliance assessments. Electricity is the
most easily controllable form of energy. The IEC believes that electricity will
be the most important contributor to climate change mitigation.
The IEC Market Strategy Board, which comprises high-level
executives from industry, has recently prepared a White Paper on Smart
Electrification which maps out global energy needs and potential solutions
over the next 30 years and the IEC’s role in meeting the challenges. Section
6 of this White Paper demonstrates what needs to change in the energy
chain to achieve the CO2 emission levels that can help humanity to mitigate
climate change.
Keywords: Electrification smart, energy efficiency, energy chain,
CO2 emission level, redesign, reference architecture, smart grid, energy,
micro-grid, renewable energy
Cuvinte cheie: Electrificare inteligentă, eficienţă energetică, lanţ
energetic, nivel emisie CO2, reproiectare, arhitectură de referinţă, reţea
inteligentă, consum de energie, micro-reţea, energie regenerabilă