Urban waste in storage can be an inexhaustible source of energy.
Under the action of bacteria, an organic substance from waste undergoes
anaerobic reduction as a result the significant amount of biogas, which contains
an average of over 50 % methane, which has a high calorific value. These
gases can be captured by a network of pipes, filters, dryers can be fuel for an
internal combustion engine driving a generator, or can be liquefied. Thus from
the waste, obtain electricity, clean energy and easy to carry. In this way all
urban landfills in Romania can become energy producers. The benefits are
enormous, in that energy from waste sites and biogas is captured with a more
powerful greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide.
Keywords: waste, alternative energy source, biogas, greenhouse, gas
Cuvinte cheie: deşeuri, sursă alternativă de energie, biogaz, efect de
seră, gaz metan