This document outlines the application of the time-of-flight diffraction
(TOFD) technique and/or Phased array technology for the semi-, or fully
automated ultrasonic testing of welded joints in metallic materials equal to and
above 6 mm thickness as per ISO 10863/2011. The semi or fully automated
ultrasonic testing shall be in accordance with ASME Section V, article 4 (Article
4 is a compendium of Appendixes describing the weld examination using the
Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) technique. Other standards describing the
same method are ASTM E-2373-04, British Standard BS7706, and European
Norm EN 583-6 (Part 6: Time-of-flight diffraction technique as a method for
detection and sizing of discontinuities) ISO 10863 – Ultrasonic testing – Use of
time-of-flight diffraction technique (TOFD). and EN 15617 „Non-destructive
testing – Time-of-flight diffraction technique (TOFD) – Acceptance levels”.
Cuvinte cheie: examinarea sudurilor, ultrasunete, examinare
ultrasonică, defectoscop, traductoare, standarde
Keywords: weld examination, ultrasound, ultrasound examination,
flaw, transducers, standards