PRODUCTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ALUMINEI Red sludge is a waste resulting from the Bayer process of refining bauxite to produce alumina. Red sludge is a waste strongly alkaline due to NaOH. Its composition depends on a number of factors but essentially the composition of the bauxite. Everything depends on the composition and quantity of bauxite red mud result: between 0.33 to 2 tons of red mud per tons of alumina produced or 0.4-2 tons of red mud per tons of alumina produced. The main environmental issue out of the sheer amount of red sludge produced is alkalinity. In paper presents analysis of the composition of this material particularly as regards the possibility of environmental pollution. Another factor that is useful to know in terms of environmental impact, especially in case of accidents knows the amount of acid required to bring the pH to a particular environmental acceptable values.
Keywords: red sludge, bauxite, waste alkaline
Cuvinte cheie: nămol roşu, bauxită, deşeu alcalin