High-speed trains are trains may grow higher speeds of 200 km/h,
normally, their speed of between 200 km/h and 300 km/h.
Time has proved that movement Romania on the railway was not
merely a utopia as there was no ambition somewhat because of brave in
search of Nov get, but a very necessary adjustment to the requirements
weather. Big și briefly trains, have a form hours, perfectly smooth, with
suspensors on cushions of air și facilities technological contemporary because
passengers feel comfort during a trip that takes very little because speed of up
to 200-220 km/h. Family trains high-speed has members in a growing number
of countries and the future is very promising.
Cuvinte cheie: trenuri de mare viteză, levitație magnetică, șine
convenționale, suspensie magnetică, tren Maglev, TGV, Pendolino
Keywords: high-speed train, levitation magnetic, lines of train
conventionally, suspensor magnetic, train Maglev, TGV, Pendolino