Over the past 150 years technology has advanced more than ever predicted history of technology. For example, 3D prototyping / printing has become a widely-appreciated and widely used phenomenon. This is a simple and fast manufacturing process, a technique that allows engineers to overcome certain design difficulties in just a few hours, compared to a few weeks that would take traditional methods. Through this technology, engineering sciences, design and technical research are undergoing transformation and the special materials industry will open up a huge fan of possibilities. With 3D technology, an idea goes directly from the design phase to the execution phase, escalating beyond the traditional stages of product manufacturing. The paper systemizes some of the major 3D printing technologies, presenting tabular, focusing on the advantages, disadvantages and application domains of these technologies. And in Romania, the prospect of expanding the home use of 3D printers open to prosumerators (users acting both as producers and consumers). The 3D equipment maker will create the right legal framework for the commercialization of 3D technology only compatible with the processing of non-hazardous materials. The 3D printer user will be granted access to a type of 3D technology limited by software specifically designed by manufacturers for civil use. And so with the advent of this technology, a new chapter in jurisprudence will soon be written in Romania. But until then, Romania is only taking the first steps in this area.
Keywords: 3D prototyping/printing, FDM-Thermoplastic Extrusion Modeling, SLA-Stereolithography, DLP-Digital Light Exposure, SLS-Selective
Laser Sintering, Laser-SLM-Melting, 3DP- Laminated Layer Manufacturing, PolyJet PJP Printing with Photopolymers, 3D Printed House Construction
Cuvinte cheie: prototiparea/printarea 3D, FDM–Modelare prin Extrudare Termoplastică, SLA–Stereolitografie, DLP–Expunerea digitală a luminii, SLS– Sinterizare Laser Selectivă, SLM–Sinterizare (Topire) Laser a Metalelor, 3DP– Printare inkjet tridimensională, LOM–Fabricare Stratificată prin Laminare, PJP– Printare PolyJet cu Fotopolimeri, construcții de case imprimate 3D