23-12 CONSTANTIN C. TEODORESCU 1892 – 1972
Among the prominent figures who have fixed the Romanian forms
durable to be known both by his contemporaries and future generations,
emerges as a teacher with a particularly deep thinker simultaneously
pedagogical entered deep into the core of things and deciphering the crystal
clear with their essence, engineer C.CTeodorescu. It shows life, school and
university training, outstanding contributions of Professor C.C. Teodorescu into
the realm of science and technology.
He was a scientist of great humanity, had a modest and discreet life,
concerned about all the time not to get in the way and not wards off anyone.
This man’s work is alive, living in and through his activity, not only to the
Department but also to many institutions which offered them collaboration.
Cuvinte cheie: inginer, profesor, conducător de doctorat, om de știință
Keywords: engineer, teacher, leader, scientist