In this paper we present the waste electrical and electronic equipment
(WEEE), obsolete, which is one of the highest rates of growth at the global
level. The recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment can be
profitable when the constituent materials are recovered in the recycling
process. Waste electrical and electronic equipment, plastics and a range of
common metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, etc.) also contain precious metals: Au, Ag, Pt,
as well as rare material: indium, gallium and rare earth. In this paper are
presented and issues related to management systems and recycling process of
waste management of electrical and electronic equipment.
Cuvinte cheie: metale preţioase, materiale limitate-deșeuri de
echipamente electrice și electronice, colectare, reciclare
Keywords: precious metals, materials limited-waste electrical and
electronic equipment, collection, recycling