It shows in the synthesis, the controversial, questionable, illegal and
unscrupulous business of Romtelecom, started in 1997, in the manner of a
technical-legal expertise with all past and present implications of so called
privatization, under the aegis of key dignitaries. We highlight some major issues
directly related to the famous and still insufficiently known case of public
notoriety, whose echoes reverberate in late 2014, with the reference scientific
studies together in a volume entitled nostalgic „Lost Network – Business
ROMTELECOM”, vol. I prepared meticulously, until 2005, the scholar of a
founding member of the first Parliament of Romania in 1990, the President of
the Commission for investigation of abuse, Corruption and Complaints of the
Chamber of Deputies (2000-2004), Prof. Dr. Radu Ciuceanu.
Keywords: called privatization, lost network, business Romtelecom,
Chamber of Deputies, R.A, called privatization, corruption, telecomunications,
OTE, OTEROM, network communications
Cuvinte cheie: reţeaua pierdută, reţeaua de telecomunicaţii, Ministerul
Comunicaţiilor, electrocomunicaţii, comunicaţii digitalizate, reţea de fibră optică,
Romtelecom, OTE, OTEROM, privatizare, linii fizice de transmisiuni, căii de
comunicaţii, R.A.
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