The paper analyses the hydro generators stator stability, based on the problems that occurred during the operation of the Romanian power plants. In order to highlight the stator components role in these problems, it is analysed the stability of the stator housing and hydro operation found in samples and tests hydro Power Plant No. 1 hydropower from Great River Retezat, where the curvature of the stator creates vibration and instability in operation. The stability of the stator in this case can be obtained by an adequate construction of the building system of the winding heads to prevent any movement of the coils during operation of the hydro. Hydro generator stator is conditional stability dynamic stability of the metal housing because the stator housing design and construction of a great height without adequate consolidation creates problems of vibration and dynamic stability housing.
Key words: hydro generator, vibrations, numerical tests
Cuvinte cheie: hidrogenerator, vibrații, teste numerice