Most human activities, the size, volume and quality of goods and services available to mankind are energy dependent, with energy playing a central role in human existence, being the most important resource. At present, fossil fuel carriers are the fuel of the world economy, and humanity is geared towards using abundant energy at a relatively low price. Alternative sources such as sun, wind, hydropower, wave energy, geothermal energy, bioenergy etc. it is practically not consumed, calling it renewable (alternative or unconventional sources). They produce far fewer emissions, reduce chemical, thermal, and radioactive pollution, and are available theoretically anywhere in the world. The sun is a real blessing, giving us in an hour – enough energy for all people to use it for one year. Every day, about 120,000 terawatts (TW) of electrical power is offered to us by the sun. That, while over a year, the world uses only 15 TW of energy. The paper analyzes some aspects regarding the use of solar energy: collectors, solar power stations, solar houses.
Keywords: solar energy, types of renewable energy, history, heat fluxes, energy radiation, solar collector, nuclear energy Cuvinte cheie: energie solară, tipuri de energii regenerabile, istoric, fluxuri termice, radiaţii energetice, colector solar, energie nucleară