27-18 CHINA – LA SUPERLATIV Partea I-a

One of the contestants feared you 21st century economic market (because here are the biggest fights) is China. Among the most recent achievements of the Government in Beijing is „the three Gorges Dam” on the Yangtze River-6380 km-the third longest in the world, after the Amazon and the Nile. China’s model of economic progress transmits a significant lesson to all avid States economic charts, because progress has a price, a price so high that it cannot estimate the figures. Located in the Chinese capital, Beijing, Tian An Men Square is the biggest market in the world. Its shape is rectangular, measuring an area of 44 hectares, mainly its name and the gate that leads to the Forbidden City. China has become the second world economy taking the place of Japan in 2010, after its gross domestic Product (GDP) has exceeded that of the archipelago home islands throughout the year, according to figures announced by the Japanese Government. And the superlatives continue: high-speed rail network, the longest tunnels, skyscrapers, many other daring projects, etc., etc.
Keywords: Chinese superlatives, population, pollution, high speed trains, international trade, export, supercomputers, hydropower, navigable channels, art, skyscraper etc.
Cuvinte cheie: superlative chineze, populație, poluare, trenuri de mare viteză, comerț internațional, export, supercomputere, hidroenergie, artă, canale navigabile, zgârie-nori etc.

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