Undoubtedly, nuclear power will make a substantial contribution to
achieving sustainable electricity total. Many voices say nuclear energy: has fewer
emissions of pollutants, is effective, safe and soon it will reach the bottom of the
bag on oil, coal and gas. But nuclear plants do not operate simply clean. The
risks of nuclear power include: the risk of major accidents (like Chernobyl or the
Fukushima Daiichi), leakage of radioactive substances that can damage both the
environment and human health in the area, disposal of radioactive waste
resulting from the operation, the proliferation of nuclear weapons (in reactors use
natural uranium as fuel, as is the Cernavoda, it can produce plutonium used in
nuclear weapons, as happened in India in 1974 and later) etc.
Keywords: Chernobyl disaster, the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi,
standards, perspectives
Cuvinte cheie: dezastrul de la Cernobîl, catastrofa de la Fukushima
Daiichi, standarde, perspective