In January 2011, in 29 countries worldwide are operating 442 nuclear
reactors for electricity generation and 65 new nuclear plants are under
construction. In 2009, nuclear power plants in operation, have secured 14% of
world electricity production. Mainly, 16 countries rely on nuclear energy to
provide at least a quarter of their total electricity needed. Because high power
nuclear plants, waste products and the risks of using a nuclear reactor to make
a choice controversial, states with different attitudes regarding nuclear energy.
In Romania’s geographical area is under construction or design more Russian
nuclear reactors in the foreground, is deploying offensive Russian nuclear
attack: 12 reactors per 1,000 km of borders of Romania. After the disaster in
Japan, the future of nuclear energy is a subject of contention in many states,
and existing plants are subject to new safety testing in case of natural disaster.
The paper analyzes the situation of nuclear power in the world, noting
the advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: electricity, nuclear reactors, nuclear power, natural
disaster, Chernobyl, Fukushima, earthquake, tsunami
Cuvinte cheie: energie electrică, reactoare nucleare, centrale
nucleare, dezastru natural, Cernobîl, Fukushima, cutremur, tsunami