Contributions to experimental research OF lubricant viscosity and density from tractor compression ignition engine supplied with biofuel
The present research paper shows some of the results achieved during practical tests on the compression ignited engine of a mini-tractor for agricultural use.
The developed tests were conducted in order to point out the influence of working time, type of fuel and temperature regime on the main physical properties of the lubricant. There were monitored the viscosity and density of lubricant and of few blends between the lubricant and the supplied fuels. In the research work are also highlighted the main engine components and the test-bed infrastructure in order to facilitate further improvement and development of the procedure.
The necessity and high importance of testing the lubricant main properties, as viscosity and density, at different temperature levels and in various cases of fuel supply methods and substances in the compression ignited engine is based on the ubiquity of biofuel implementation in modern commercial fuels.
Keywords: cylinder, friction, lubricant, tribology, viscosity
Cuvinte cheie: cilindru, frecare, lubrifiant, tribologie, viscozitate