An invention is a solution or a technical achievement in a field of
knowledge which shows the progress from the novelty stage known until then.
An invention is defined ”as a machine, a process, an improved etc.-new and
useful, which existed previously and which are recognized as the product of an
intuition or a unique genius, outstanding mechanical skills common or craft”
Henry Ford, founder of the American automotive industry; Swedish engineer
Alfred Nobel considered the inventor; American inventor Thomas Alva Edison,
the owner of the 1903 patent research, known in the whole world as the
inventor of the incandescent bulb; American engineer William BULLOCK in
1863 invention of which revolutionized the industry tipăritului: a more efficient
and more press. But his was the one that finally brought death. Only a few
inventions and those which they have achieved. This is the message of the
Cuvinte cheie: inventator, invenții, dinamită, brevet, presă eficientă și
Keywords: inventor, inventions, dynamite, patent, efficient and quick