On the base of numerous literatures a critical review of main facts and
events that played a significant role in the history of dimensional analysis will be
presented. Dimensional analysis appeared in the antiques with the necessity to
qualitatively describe and understand the physical world and was fructuously
developed in the works of Galileo Galilei, Pierre-Marie-François Daviet de
Foncenex, Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier and John William Strutt. Application of
dimensional analysis on a large scale began after 1914, when Edgar
Buckingham demonstrated his Π− theorem and Percy W. Bridgman published
his „Dimensional analysis” in 1922.
Keywords: history, geometrical dimensions, physical dimensions,
principle of dimensional homogeneity, Π – theorem, dimensional analysis
Cuvinte cheie: istorie, dimensiuni geometrice, dimensiuni fizice, principiul
de omogenitate dimensională, teorema Π , analiză dimensională
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