Designing and testing the coupling solution of a trailer at the hook of utility all terrain vehicle CF MOTO 500-2A
All-Terrain Vehicles are today quite popular and often known both as entertaining systems as well as utility equipment. The scientific paper shows a small contribution to the design and implementation of a practical solution for coupling the trailer to the ATV tow. There was used a dynamometric sensor in order to measure the inertial forces during braking process in various conditions of driving the ATV CF MOTO 500-2A, considering all the time accelerating and decelerating manoeuvres in the case of trailer towing, when a traction mass is placed on the vehicle’s hook, due to the attached trailer. The importance of studying the kinematic and dynamic aspects of ATV’s driving process resides in significance that the trailer inertia force has on the road train during some driving manoeuvres of cornering, decelerating and accelerating.
Keywords: ATV, design, inertia, trailer, tow
Cuvinte cheie: ATV, design, inerție, remorcă, cârlig