Under the conditions of present society in which providing an optimum interior comfort in buildings is confronted with the necessity of the energy consumption reduction, solving this problem depends on the factors which contribute to the achievements of this comfort. There are a number of international standards for sustainability in buildings and construction works. Standards identifies and describes issues that must be taken into account in the design and use of assessment methods of environmental performance for new or existing buildings in connection with the design, construction, operation, maintenance and renovating them, and demolition phases. Assessment and understanding of the environmental performance of buildings is essential to know the possible impact that buildings could have on the environment and their influence on sustainable development.
Keywords: sustainable development, building, method of assessment, environmental performance, environmental issues, impact on the environment, climate change, indoor comfort, low energy consumption, benchmarking, continuous improvement, increase energy efficiency, energy audit
Cuvinte cheie: dezvoltare durabilă, clădire, metodă de evaluare, performanţă de mediu, aspecte de mediu, impact asupra mediului, schimbare climatică, confort interior, consum redus de energie, analiză comparativă, îmbunătăţire continuă, creştere eficienţă energetică, audit energetic
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